At present, 5 states namely Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have gone back to the OPS model. Starting November, Rajast
A recent RBI bulletin highlighted that the long-term financial damage of going back to OPS far outweighs the short-term lure of OPS
Some of the states ruled by opposition parties have already gone back to the old pension system and there have been demands the old pension system be
Mohanty noted that guarantees come at a cost, albeit with relatively lower returns. Staying invested in markets for the long-term is bound to deliver
The government is considering ensuring a minimum pension of 40-45% of the employee's last basic salary and dearness allowance. It is believed that a f
The central government employees currently get tax deduction of 14% on investments made in the NPS.
Central government employees 14% get tax deduction on NPS investments.